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A lasting Power Of Attorney
Practice areas
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Appointment of another Trustee to make important decisions for the guardian.
Providing instructions for the guardian.
Features of A Lasting Power of Attorney.
A Lasting Power of Attorney, is a written authorization issued by one person to another person to represent him/her to a third party.
A Lasting Power of Attorney – “Ipui koah mitmasheh” is a new type of power of attorney, the so-called alternative type of guardianship, which came into force in 2017 and is popular, mainly among the elderly and people with disabilities.
One of the most important factors for a lasting power of attorney is that the person chooses a guardian (without outside interference) whom he would like to see if he is incapacitated. In the absence of a continuing power of attorney, the guardianship decision can only be made by a court.
It is also important that in order to draw up a power of attorney you do not have to go to court. It will be enough to turn to a lawyer on this issue.
Remember, with a properly drafted power of attorney, you will ensure yourself and your loved ones a peaceful future, including during your incapacity.
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Specialists in this area
Mr. Tsaitel is expert in Real Estate and Bankruptcy Law. He also provides services in field of Israeli Bank system, as well as providing assistance in transferring fund to Israel. Mr. Tsaitel knows from his own experience the internal features of government structures, as well as the subtleties of commercial activity.